How Does the China Grade System Work?

The Framework for Educational Assessment

In China, the true level of academic success and progress depends considerably on the performance in the setting and earning the trust. A comprehensive framework used to assess student success, provide targeted support, and prepare students for the next steps in education and the workforce. A detailed explanation of the Chinese grade system at different educational levels

Basic and secondary education

For primary and secondary schools, the Chinese grading system scales from 0 to 100, where 90 to 100 is excellent, 80 to 89 is good, 70 to 79 is average, 60 to 69 is pass, and everything under 60 is fail. It is the go to number system by which students performance in exams, projects and class participation are gauged.

Variations in Grading

In rural areas and elsewhere, the five-category grading for schools may be simplified to Excellent, Good, Medium, Pass, and Fail. This particular method seeks to make up for the potential lack of resources in educationally because of rural areas as compared from urban areas.

College and high school entrance exams

In high school, life is increasingly dire because the Gaokao, or China’s national university entrance exam, looms. The most important consideration is the Gaokao score, which puts a cap on the types of universities a student can apply to. It is a cumulative examination which are scored out of a total of the marks of the subjects which they vary slightly province to province and sometime to the subjects as well.

University Grading

Grading at a university level is much more nuanced and can vary greatly from school to school. Universities often use a letter grade system loosely similar to the American one:

A (85-100): Excellent

B (70-84): Good

C (60-69): Satisfactory

D (50-59): Passing

F (below 50): Fail

Another grading system recognized by many universities is the Grade Point Average (GPA) system, which translates these letter grades into a score of 0 to 4.0 in order to standardize how assessments are made and how student performance can be evaluated to track progress more clearly.

Implications for Students

In China, examinations are very academically competitive and focus on exam results, particularly in subjects such as mathematics, Chinese language, and English. As a result, such a system is likely to create a high level of discipline and focus on students, preparing them for both higher education and future competition for jobs.


The Chinese grading scale falls in line with Chinese educational philosophies: hard work, thoroughness and high levels of achievement. Even students of Chinese who are in the country on short-term exchange programs or longer-term academic sojourns must familiarize themselves with the lay of the land. So, to more thoroughly understand the working of this experimental project, you can go to know the china grade system.

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